song of the day

Like A Boss

Like a Boss is another song from The Lonely Island‘s album Incredibad, and is a parody on Slim Thug’s first single in the album Already Platinum also named Like a Boss. Seth Rogen also appears in this video.

Other music videos from the album include I’m On A Boat, Natalie’s Rap and Jizz In My Pants.

Warning: Contains foul language

Now playing: Tristania – (09)Bird
via FoxyTunes

Viewed 11249 times by 3413 viewers

A trip down the memory lane

Hey Captain 🙂

Вокално Инструментална Група “Кошмар”. Или Жоро, Иван и Коста:

Последен ден в СМГ

Коста и Сашо

Пицария в Созопол и Коста работи в нея 🙂

С Гецата, отново в Созопол

Viewed 11594 times by 3676 viewers

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Cool Joke

Two Irishmen, Patrick Murphy and Shawn O’Brian grew up together and were lifelong friends. But alas, Patrick developed cancer, and was dying. While on his deathbed, Patrick called to his buddy, Shawn, “O’Brian, come ‘ere. I ‘ave a request for ye.” Shawn walked to his friend’s bedside and kneels.

“Shawny ole boy, we’ve been friends all our lives, and now I’m leaving ‘ere. I ‘ave one last request fir ye to do.”

O’Brian burst into tears, “Anything Patrick, anything ye wish. It’s done.”

“Well, under me bed is a box containing a bottle of the finest whiskey in all of Ireland. Bottled the year I was born it was. After I die, and they plant me in the ground, I want you to pour that fine whiskey over me grave so it might soak into me bones and I’ll be able to enjoy it for all eternity.”

O’Brian was overcome by the beauty and in the true Irish spirit of his friend’s request, he asked, “Aye, tis a fine thing you ask of me, and I will pour the whiskey. But, might I strain it through me kidneys first?”

Viewed 10886 times by 3477 viewers

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Париж и неговите трудови бакшиши

Ето ме пак в Париж и може би трябваше да го очаквам де, но отново се сблъсках с този колорит на града – бакшишите. Та до преди 3 часа аз живеех с наивното разбиране, че целият метрополис със предгадия, квартали и център се нарича Париж. И с това ми наивно мислене излязох от летище Шарл Де Гол и подадох листче с адреса на хотела ми на шофьора на първата таксиметрава кола. Аз съм подготвен – знам, че хората не говорят английски, аз не говоря френски, та шансовете ми да обясня къде отивам стават минимални, ако не си нося листче с адреса.
– Париж? – пита човека.
– Париж. – отговарям аз гордо
Да ама нее. Човекът почва да обяснява нещо на френски от което аз разбирам, че такъв адрес няма в Париж. И така си комуникирахме около 10 минути, и най-накрая му дадох на човека телефона на хотела, обади се той след което гордо обясни, че видиш ли тоя адрес дето съм му го дал верно не е в Париж, а в Путо (Puteaux). Което е вярно, опитах се да го кажа няколко пъти, но явно ама хич не съм го произнасял правилно. А и за мен, както обясних в началото на този ми вопъл, живея с наивното вярване, че кварталите са си част от Париж 🙂 Та тръгнахме. И евентуално стигнахме.
Но най-големия идиотизъм беше, че 5-6 км след летището този титан на френския таксиметров транспорт намери хотела ми в GPS-a си при първия си опит. Е не можа ли първо там да пробваш бе пич 🙂 Ама нищо де – поне се опитваше до край да ми помогне и да ме светне колко съм прост, че си мисля че Путо е в Париж (прост бях, ама вече ше знам :)). Даже ми се изфука със Prius-a, който не харчеше нищо в задръстването и мотор не работеше. След като 5 минути мислех, че се опитва да ми обясни, че акумулатора е свършил и ше ме оставя там където бяхме (in he middle of nowhere), схванах идеята и верно бях впечатлен. Отдавна си мислех, че може би ако тръгна да си купувам нова кола, ще трябва да е хибрид. Сега съм на 100% убеден.
Та така – ако ще продулжа да идвам насам, верно ще трябва да науча френски. Иначе просто ще се побъркам.

Viewed 11186 times by 3292 viewers

So why do men die first?

Taken from here

If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race…you’re a male chauvinist. If you stay home and do the housework …you’re a pansy.

If you work too hard…there’s never any time for her. If you don’t work enough…you’re a good-for-nothing bum.

If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay…this is exploitation. If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay… should get off your lazy behind and find something better.

If you get a promotion ahead of her…..that is favoritism. If she gets a job ahead of you……it’s affirmative action.

If you mention how nice she looks……it’s sexual harassment. If you keep quiet……….it’s male indifference.

If you cry…………you’re a wimp. If you don’t……’re an insensitive bastard.

If you make a decision without consulting her………you’re a chauvinist. If she makes a decision without consulting you……she’s a liberated woman.

If you ask her to do something she doesn’t enjoy……. that’s domination. If she asks you………it’s a favor.

If you appreciate the female form …’re a pervert. If you don’t ….you’re gay.

If you like a woman to shave her legs, wear sexy lingerie and keep in shape ………….you’re sexist. If you don’t……………’re unromantic.

If you try to keep yourself in shape……you’re vain. If you don’t ……’re a slob.

If you buy her flowers………….you’re after something. If you don’t ……’re not thoughtful.

If you’re proud of your achievements……’re full of yourself. If you aren’t……. you’re not ambitious.

If she has a headache…………she’s tired. If you have a headache………….you don’t love her anymore.

If you want it too often………you’re over sexed. If you don’t…………….there must be someone else.

So why do men die first?

Viewed 7926 times by 2664 viewers

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Коста говори за Tumbleweed

Хехе – намерих това видео, което бе заснето преди доста време. Все още валидно. Мамка му обаче, трябва да си пооправя държането пред камера – много повторения и неувереност 🙂 Не че ще ми се наложи пак, а и за прима виста става. Но има мноооого за оправяне.

Не можах да го преборя да го embed-на така че ето го линка –

Viewed 8800 times by 2754 viewers

Ще стана суеверен

Интересно съвпадение. Настроението ми е вкиснато до краен предел и хоп, попаднах на долния идиотизъм. Монти Пайтън ат дер бест както биха казали колегите дето говорят на английски. А Монти Пайтън по принцип са си яки. Идеално за да пооправи настроението и мирогледа:

Always looking at the bright side of life:

Viewed 8034 times by 2642 viewers

A cool tip on communication :)

This one is taken from here. It is really, really useful (and true to an extent) 🙂

Communication breakdown
A new manager joins the company, or an old one gets promoted, and the first thing they are eager to do is push for improved communication. Sounds familiar? Later, as manmonths go by, the effort fades away until a new guy steps in. In this post we try to break down the aspects of that vague communication concept, the real value of it, and the little tricks JOTGs can use to take advantage of the situation.

Most technical problems come down to human problems. Therefore communication is still fairly important even in a sterile engineering environment. It’s either your buddy has already solved the issue you are dealing with, or has the quick wit to help you solve it better, or someone wants to share new ways to do routine work twice as effectively, or your manager announces information you have no access to, like upcoming orgchart changes, or you need to agree on interfaces exposed to other developers and avoid duplicate work. Multiple purposes, seemingly, but it all comes down to faster development (reduce time to market, i.e. make more money), better design (save time from support and bugfixing—save money), and protect information (make announcements on a need-to-know basis, prevent data leakage to competitors, protect money).

But why do new managers like communication so much and old ones seem to slowly get to ignore it? The key is, communication must be demonstratable. New hires/promotes tend to have a desire to show off their effectiveness, both to senior management and to ordinary employees. Once they channel their workflow and gain recognition, they become happy with the status quo and just go with the flow. Founders and near-sabbaticals may even seclude themselves in a remote room, talk only to their direct subordinates, and be ignorant about the outside world. This is natural, just maintaining profit along the path of least resistance.

Dealing with
So, how are we to react to newfangled overlords who at every meeting remind us to communicate more? We do as they say. Actually, we communicate just as we have until now, but more visibly. Remember this is about visibility, and not really about exchanging useful information. It’s the new managers seeing our professional conversations and it’s us presenting new managers to the outside world as facilitators. This means CC them in emails, write some design documents from an abstract point of view, draw some charts, discuss the engineering process with them. They love it. They love somebody talking in their language, they enjoy words they understand. As a side effect, you can appear smarter in their eyes. The important thing is, they will let you be once they are convinced that everybody can see that they’ve helped somebody talk to somebody.

In rare cases, hypercommunicitis may persist even after being treated with pages of managerspeakish spam. You should fall back to flooding with stupid questions then. It always works, but the downside is that when you ask stupid questions, you look… just an ordinary human resource, capable of being fine-tuned to do more work for less time (and you know what time translates to). In a team of trusted colleagues you could make a DDoS of questions, while pretending to be discussing important topics among yourselves.

Done right
Techies should understand, and most of us do, that talking to a human is fundamentally different than interacting with a computer. This is nothing new. Humans are complex. You cannot type commands, expect strict execution of an algorithm, and get a clear greppable output. Our languages are imperfect and we have emotional interference. You should communicate just as much as you feel is necessary. To make the most of a conversation, prepare. Plan some time to read about what you will be discussing. In the long term, learn common techspeak like design patterns and the jargon file. Do not pay attention to how much or how visibly you speak, but how fast you get a correct mutual understanding and how useful the exchanged information is. It’s also important to socialise with colleagues, to upfront remove the psychological barrier of starting a conversation.

Mgmt: We need to communicate more.

Tech (bad reply): But we have regular standups every morning and we already discussed the impl of ShitUtils with John by instant messenger…

Tech (good reply): OK, can we schedule another meeting this afternoon and reflect that in the project plan? I can put you as well on CC of our email thread with John.

[Analysis: Ask for planning of meetings, those should not eat up development time. Send an email or two per day with CC, do not burst emails because Mgmt will not read them all anyway and will still ask you for communication on the following day.]

Mgmt: Let’s reuse code. Why don’t you ask Smith about their team’s impl in

Tech (bad reply): But that’s ten years old and the guy who wrote it left the company. And Smith is a retard. It will be easier for me to write it from scratch, it will take no more than two days.

Tech (good reply): I’ll ask Smith and evaluate their impl. […] I asked Smith yesterday, but their ShitUtils do not correctly handle the latest version of the Camelturd file format, and according to our requirements we need to support it. Why don’t we spend three days to research the PooTools LGPL library and save development time?

[Analysis: Other people’s code usually sucks. Small util libs take less time to write from scratch. You should always bargain for time.]

Mgmt: When and how do you plan to design this new “excremental search” feature?

Tech (bad reply): It will use a red-black tree to optimise queries and update
the tree incrementally. [Mgmt looks confused by in-/ex-] John must decide if we can include it in now, but he is on vacation, so we do not have active tasks for today.

Tech (good reply): We will reuse an existing incremental algorithm, and implement an adapter to turn it into an excremental one. I will have to talk to John. […] Oh, I got an out of office reply from John, so we must abandon what we did for the 2.0 shitment until we start working on 3.0

[Analysis: If the manager is not informed, it’s their fault. This includes both knowledge about people in the company and technical incompetence. Never tell a manager you have no work to do. Do not hesitate to use buzzwords for deception.]

Viewed 10823 times by 3367 viewers

Marry Me

Синът ми гледа това филмче в невероятен захлас. Много е сладко. За пореден път нагледно се показва как мъжете се държим неадекватно при наличието на красиви жени 🙂


Viewed 6821 times by 2411 viewers

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Some random funny pictures received from friends

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Честита Нова 2009…..

Мина още една година. Дали ще я запомня с нещо.

– Преместихме се в нов апартамент
– Малкия порасва. Ама това ще о прави все повече и повече
– Направих неща с които се гордея
– Направих неща с които, ама хич не се гордея. Даже ми е гадно, че ги направих. Ама бяха за добро 🙂 Което поне ме успокоява
– Почнах да пиша тук – даже да се дисциплинирам донякъде да го правя редовно
– Е да, ама има толкова неща за които ми се пише, ама нещо винаги мързела ми надделява
– Все още правя правописни грешки в тоя блог. Трябва да престана. Някой ден.
– Все още успявам да остана себе си. А става все по-трудно. Интересно – да пиша тук ми помага – не съм мислил, че ще е така

    За догодина

    – Да остана себе си
    – Да продължа да си обичам семейството и да сме щастливи и здрави
    – Да продължа да съм добър в това в което правя – така хората с които работя ще са добре (надявам се :)). И аз също 🙂
    – Да тръгна най-накрая на фитнес – разплул съм се
    – Най-накрая да изпълня една тийнейджърска цел – да науча френски. Ако не друго, сего и професионално ще ми е полезно.
    – Да продължа да се радвам на живота
    – Да се сещам по-често за приятелите си….

      Аре стига, че догодина като видя списъка и какво съм направил и какво не, току виж се депресирам 🙂

      Viewed 6509 times by 1942 viewers